In October of 1994, three student film makers disappeared in the woods near Burkittesville, Maryland. One year later, their footage was found.
Was a big hit in 1999 and was received with unjustifiable critic praise. This film is not as good as it was made out to be. The acting is poor, often weak. You will have seen the woman crying in the woods, well that's creditable acting, but what you don't see is one of the most annoying americans that's ever "graced" this planet. Combined with this tedium factor is a weak, flimsy plot line and often moments of sheer boredom admidst the 'plot' or 'tension'. This film has a few good moments, but it is a tired, tried and tested formula and bring nothing new. For a recent film that deserved it's critic praise, see Ringu and for a film of a similar style but much better quality to this, I'd recommend The Last Broadcast.
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