Comment One of the best films of the 80s, great comedy and oh course, great topic
If you were a kid in the eighties, you'll still remember the first library sequence... ghost effects still does the trick even today.
[size=150]Ghost Busters (1984) Directed by Ivan Reitman
Genre: Action / Comedy / Fantasy / Sci-Fi
Tagline: They're Here To Save The World.
Plot Outline:Three unemployed parapsychology professors set up shop as a unique ghost removal service.
IMDB Rating 7.5/10
Cast overview:
Bill Murray .... Dr. Peter Venkman
Dan Aykroyd .... Dr. Raymond Stantz
Sigourney Weaver .... Dana Barrett
Harold Ramis .... Dr. Egon Spengler
Rick Moranis .... Louis Tully
Annie Potts .... Janine Melnitz
William Atherton .... Walter Peck
Ernie Hudson .... Winston Zeddmore
David Margulies .... Mayor
Steven Tash .... Male Student
Jennifer Runyon .... Female Student
Slavitza Jovan .... Gozer
Michael Ensign .... Hotel Manager
Alice Drummond .... Librarian
Jordan Charney .... Dean Yeager
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