1941. Chumphon Province, Thailand. Mok and his ragtag unit of young soldiers are thrown against the invading Japanese forces. The invaders bring with them a terrifying biological weapon, unaware that it has plans of its own.
Release notes
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Total Runtime...: 1:50:18
Language........: Thai/Japanese
File Size............: 2.91 Gb (2/3 DVD)
Video Codec .........: XviD 1.3
Video Frame Size.....: 1376 x 576
Video Bitrate........: 3334
Video Framerate......: 24.000
Audio Codec..........: AC3
Audio Bitrate........: 448 kb/s (5.1)
Audio Framerate......: 48000Hz
CQM..................: Yes
B-Vob/Qpel/GMC.......: Yes/No/No
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