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Zombies Zombies Zombies (2008)

This movie starts in a science laboratory where a chemical professor is trying to develop a substance that would cure many diseases that are currently immedicable. He is not having too much success lately. This night he gets disturbed by a guy he knows, who is looking for some dope. While the professor is looking for some drugs the guy steals some of the secret substance. A bit later we see him handing some of it over to others. None of them are aware that besides making them feel dazed the drug also manipulates their cells and turns them into blood-hungry zombies.

As usual the plague spreads by the zombies biting others and eventually the remaining survivors of the neighborhood consist of some strippers and their relatives. Besides lots of stupid nonsense being talked there are some great gory scenes of zombies getting mutilated, which are really worth being watched at least once. The actors however barely contribute to the movie in any good way. The strippers are not getting naked - except for the beginning - and they are pretty dumb when it comes to fighting zombies as well. However there are some scenes where they suddenly seems to realize that killing the zombies is the only way to survive, but that doesn't happen until the very end.

It's quite original how they finally decide to finish the zombies off, but then again it's a pretty simple idea. There are too few things that make this movie memorable. Not even the few and short bare tit scenes can convince one of this flick being any good. Thanks to the director the movie is not much longer than 78 minutes which makes it bearable for a watch.



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██▓▒░ Zombies Zombies Zombies (2008) ░▒▒▓█
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██▓▒░ ░ ░░▒▓█ MOViE iNFORMATiON █▓▒░░ ░ ░▒▒▓█
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# IMDb LiNK......... # :
# GENRE............. # : Comedy | Horror

█▓▒░ ░ ░▒▓█ PLOT OUTLiNE █▓▒░░ ░ ░▒▒▓█
█ █
A drug experiment gone wrong produces a league of
blood-thirsty zombies. It is up to a small band of...
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██▓▒░ ░ ░▒▓█ FiLE iNFORMATiON █▓▒░░ ░ ░▒▒▓█
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ViDEO: # FiLE SiZE........... # : 1.46 GB
# DURATiON............ # : 01:22:12
# ViDEO FORMAT........ # : XviD
# ViDEO BiTRATE....... # : 2348 KB/s
# RESOlUTiON.......... # : 704 x 400
# FPS................. # : 23,976 FPS
# LANGUAGE............ # : English
# B-VOB............... # : Yes
# QPEL/GMC............ # : No | No
# CQM................. # : Yes

AUDiO: # AUDiO CODEC......... # : (Dolby AC3)
# AUDiO BiTRATE....... # : 448 KB/s (CBR)
# CHANNELS............ # : 5.1 CH
# SOURCE.............. # : Untouched

█ [ ] FiNNiSH [ ] TURKiSH [ ] FRENCH [ ] JAPANESE █
█ [ ] SPANiSH [ ] DANiSH [ ] DUTCH [ ] GREEK █
█ [ ] SWEDiSH [ ] POLiSH [ ] CZECH [ ] OTHER █
█ [ ] iTALiAN [ ] GERMAN [ ] iCELANDiC [x] NONE █
█ █
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██▓▒░ ░ ░░▒▓█ RELEASE iNFORMATiON █▓▒░░ ░ ░▒▒▓██
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# NOTES......... # : Unrated
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██▓▒░ ░ ░░▒▓█ GREETiNGS █▓▒░░ ░ ░▒▒▓██
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█ GoRDo, [gx], ShitBusters, pITO, w666, MaZ, FtS, TSTeam ,cspd █
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████████████████████████████ASCII done by PURE██████████████████████████
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Zombies.Zombies.Zombies.2008.UNRATED.DVDRip.AC3.XviD-TMRC.avi (1.46 GB) [Stats]

Format: DivX/XviD
Source: DVD
Category: Zombies
Sub-Category: B-Movie
Date: 30 Dec, 2008
Hits: 7615
Score: 1/10
Submitter: RedVeil
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