10.11.24 RIP Candyman - Tony T...
20.09.22 Let the Right One In...
04.09.22 Server Migration comp...
04.09.22 Server Migration
20.02.18 Fangoria returns!
21.07.13 Nightbreed: The Cabal...
16.02.13 Fist of Jesus (2013)
15.09.12 Videodrome remake
08.09.12 phpBB upgrade and ser...
05.08.12 Site updates and patc...
09.06.12 Mad God on Kickstarte...
23.05.12 Carmageddon on Kickst...
10.03.25 Hellboy: The Crooked Ma...
09.03.25 Dungeonmaster, The (198...
03.03.25 Saloum (2021)
02.03.25 Dark Breed (1996)
24.02.25 New Rose Hotel (1998)
23.02.25 It Came From The Desert...
Wed 12 Mar, 2025
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Basic Rule
First rule of Fight Club

Global Rules
Flaming Users/Individuals/Groups
Flaming Users/Individuals/Groups - Ammendment

When Posting
Correct Forums to Use.
Topic Titles
Information to include with a release
Posting a ed2k: link
Board Language
Contacting Members

Prohibited Posts
Racial or religious abuse and personal attacks
Links to Cracking, hacking or Porn
Cross posting.
Direct Linking.
Force clicks
Duplicate accounts
Summary of prohibited release content

Remote Linking and Avatars
Image Hosting
Keep your sig small!


Basic Rule
First rule of Fight Club
  • The moderators of a given section are there to keep things neat and tidy.

    They have the right to move posts, as well as edit or delete them as they see fit and in accordance to the rules and guidelines of the site and the section. The MODs are users that have volunteered their time to keep the given section neat and tidy and to moderate the forum as they see fit within the board rules. Don't get into an arguement with them about moving, editing or deleting because that's what they are here to do. Flaming or editing out a moderator's edits will most likely result in a user ban and deletion of their post. It's best just to follow what they say, remember they are board users just like you and want what is best for the board.

  • If you spot a rule violation, please take the time to report this to a moderator or admin. If the rule violations continue, please report this to an admin.
  • If you think you have been treated unfairly by a moderator or admin, please pm another admin.

Global Rules
Flaming Users/Individuals/Groups
  • This kind of action will not be tolerated. Blatant flames will be immediately deleted, we don't need that crap here please. Please be aware of the different sexes, age groups, native language, and religions of the users of this board.

    Watch your language or tone when discussing issues, be aware that not all users are native to the English language and may not pick up on slang, tone or sarcasm. If you are not careful you'll be caught in the middle of a flame war, and that can result in warnings and/or bans for all parties involved depending on the seriousness of this. Be careful about starting political, religious or off-genre threads because most flamewars start off with one of these topics. Religious and racial intolerance will result in a ban (keep it to yourself please).

  • Do not post any ip address of anyone.
  • Post count does not mean experience or respect. Treat users equally or based on what they post, not how many times they post.
  • Absolutely no 'he's a leech' threads are allowed.

    This is just paranoia and it's infectious for those that are new to emule/don't understand how it works. You will be warned and the topic locked/deleted.

Flaming Users/Individuals/Groups - Ammendment
It is come to my attention that certain individuals and organisations are attempting nothing short of blackmail, invasion of privacy, abuse, and other such threatening actions. Therefore under these circumstances, an apt response is appropriate. Under these conditions, the posting of information such as ip addresses and other such information described above can be posted to help defend against unlawful actions. The board administrators take no responsibility for any information posted in these regards.

When Posting
Correct Forums to Use.
To request a moving/merging of a thread, use the following keywords:
  • movethis - Use this to request a moving of a thread to another section:
    movethis -> lowerquality , movethis -> highquality , etc.
  • mergethis - Use this to request a merging of a thread. Only post in the newer thread with a link to the older thread:
    mergethis -> link
Site Development & Help
  • Site Development - Use this section for matters regarding to moderation, design, feedback and suggestions on the site.
  • FAQ / Help / Newbie Guides - Use this section for any questions or help you need on any subject, software, hardware, errors, emule, etc. If you have a problewm with them, they go in here.
  • General - General chat, jokes, community questions or posts that don't fit in any category go here.
  • Horror Fanatics Cabal - Discussion of horr in the arts; upcoming movies, discussion on upcoming games, books, art work, actors, directors, writers, etc.
  • Hardware & Software - Discussion on hardware and software should go in this section. This is not a help section, this is for discussion.
Unverified rips must go in the unverified section!
  • Highest Quality Section -This sections purpose is for the inclusion of all HD material. This includes HDTV as .ts or .mpg, as well as MPEG4 re-encodes in 1080i/p, 720p or downsampled rips. Read the guidelines.
  • High Quality section - Verified - Quality retail DVDRips. Xvid or DivX. If its non-retail, poorly mastered or if the rip is low-q, please post in lower quality section. Lower quality DVD-rips may be moved to ensure high quality in this section. No VCDs or unverified releases in this section please.
  • Lower Quality section - Verified - Xvid or Divx, Rare horror movies from TV, VHS, LaserDisc, or lower quality source. Also a place for lower quality rips and not so hot DVD mastered rips.
  • VCD / SVCD / xVCD / DVDr -Quality VCD and DVDr rips only please. Namely from a non-screener DVD source. Please state any re-encoding methods, particularly for DVDr (ie. number of passes, program used, if it was re-encoded)
  • Screeners & Unverified Releases - Unverified releases of all formats, and DVD-Screeners, R5, cams, TS, etc.
  • Non-Horror Movies - Post here all your verified non-horror movie releases of any genre (no porn). Please no blockbusters or porn, this is meant for rare and obscure releases.
  • Torrent and NZB Section - Open tracker horror torrents and NZB (Usenet / Newsgroup binaries) only. Release threads structured in the normal way. Read the rules for posting dos and don'ts. The rules for this section are considerably different to the other sections.

Topic Titles
  • Do NOT put REQ: or REL: in the title, or anything excessive or off topic

    They are simply not needed as I have spent time organising a structure so all requests go in a specific board, and all releases go in another. If you put REL: or REQ:, your post will be edited or deleted (not if it's a release of course :) ). If you post a request with REQ: in the title and find it's gone, you know why. Please try to stick to only putting the name fo the film your after in the title if you are doing a request, don't put any stupid crap in the title please, like 'I am looking for'. People will tend to ignore it.

  • Do not put anything stupid in your topic title. The best topics are those of the syntax 'Title (Year)'

    If your posting in the help section, 'help' is a very stupid topic and will waste everyone time. Put something that sums up your question/problem, eg. 'Can't get AC3 sound to work'. If you are wanting a reshare, do not type 'can someone reshare', etc. Simply put the filename in the title, ie. 'Evil Dead Trap 2'. In the message body, always post your link and tell the people how much you've got... it will ensure the right file is reshared. If you are requesting a movie, series or game, please put an link in the message body to ensure that people know what your after, and if your after a particular version mention that too. In the topic title, put the name of the film, and maybe the year in which it was made. Any info provided helps people know what film your talking about.

Before requesting, try the search option at the top of these boards. If no match is found, feel free to request, but please provide as much information as possible, including links where applicable
Information to include with a release
  • Always include ed2k:// links, do not simply post links to topics on other sites.

    Please include the link, because if that site goes down or alters it's format it renders your post useless, not to mention many sites are incredibly slow. Posts that do not include ed2k links will be deleted or edited.

  • If you are releasing, it is very helpful if you include the following information

    File specs --> use gspot to get them if you don't know link
    and you must include your edonkey link
    Pictures help people a lot, theynot essential, but these are just nice to include (best way to do screenshots is to load up a paint app, load up virtual dub-->open your file and then 'copy source frame to clipboard' at random points in your rip, simply pasting your shots into your paint app each time). Do not use screenshots from other rips in a release post.

Posting a ed2k: link
To post a link, simply post the link exactly as edonkey gives it to you. The link will be clickable.

Board Language
Remember that the native language of this board is English, so try to post in English. This is courtesy.
Contacting Members
The general board is not a personal message board, if you need to contact another member, do so by PM or instant messenger

Prohibited Posts
Please share. Do not trade or negotiate trades on these boards. This is not the mentality shared by the users of this board, or how the edonkey network works. You will be warned, or more likely banned!
Racial or religious abuse and personal attacks
This kind of rule violation will not be tolerated. Unjustified, excessive or repeated abuse will be met by immediate banning and reporting of behavior depending on the severity
Do not advertise your website on these boards. You may put your website in your signature but that is the limit. Your post will be deleted and you may get a ban if you start threads about your site.
Links to Cracking, hacking or Porn
Please do not insert links to cracking, hacking or porn websites. Any illegal direct links are not allowed, simply because this is an edonkey board. Porn is not allowed on this forum. There are issues with the genre that sexploitation, exploitation and weird films have sexual content. Please note that posting porn repeatedly will get you warned/banned. Any posts should be within the horror genre, and posting pictures not related to the movie or for a questionable purpose will be removed. The decision to exclude porn is an extension of the rules to exclude anything that is not related to horror... it has nothing to do with this site.
Cross posting.
Do not cross post. Your topic belongs in one section only and that's where it should be. If you are unsure, ask!
Please do not spam our forums. The moderators are able to ban users that are spamming to much !
Repeated bumping of topics. Don't do it.
Direct Linking.
Ed2k, torrent and nzb links only please. http: and ftp: links will be removed and you will be either warned or banned. This refers to copyrighted materials only
Force clicks
Forced clicks or release topics without ed2k links will be removed immediately
Duplicate accounts
Please register only a single account. Username, password or other related matters can be changed quickly and easily by an admin. Contact one instead of re-registering. Re-registering can lead to the deletion of both accounts
Summary of prohibited release content
ed2k is legal in most countries due to the fact it is MD4 hash pointing to something that may or may not be illegal, that may or may not be there. Files are not available to download directly from any server.
Might as well take this point to clarify what is and isn't allowed :) This board is an emule forum, meaning that releases must be shared on this network. BT works in the same way, thusly it is allowed to be posted here. As this is primarily an ed2k board, BT must be in support of the ed2k link or in the BT/NZB section. This is similarly the case for newgroups.

If a topic does not contain a ed2k:// link, it is not allowed in a main release section.

IRC rooms are legal, therefore they are allowed to be talked about, so too are binaries. However, posts to IRC bots or direct downloads via ftp, http or links to sites offering warez over ftp or http are illegal and thusly is not allowed on this site.

So to summrise, every release should include a ed2k:// . Until I discover otherwise and based on legality.
  • Emule links: ed2k://
  • Bit Torrent: https:// * .torrent
  • Newsgroup Binaries: https://*.nzb

  • https:// to warez or illegal material
  • ftp:// to warez or illegal material

Not Wanted:
  • Kazaa: sig2dat
  • https:// to corporate / anti-piracy sites

Talking about any of those is fine, although warez sites are strictly forbidden and 'recruiting' (or any other such activities) to any warez communities is not allowed. As primarily an ed2k site, please do not post excessively about other mediums.

Remote Linking and Avatars
Image Hosting
Ensure your host supports remote linking., etc. are fine for this purpose or a stable host such as your isps webspace

Keep your sig small!
Any huge pics will be deleted or resized, plain and simple. If people abuse this feature, it will be removed. Always think of those on worse connections than you, if your on a crap connection you should already know better. The current board setting does not allow avatars larger than 150x150 pixels.

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[Advanced Search]
What is the most important factor that makes you watch a horror movie?
IMDb rating or comments
Cover or poster (design, gore, atmosphere)
Screenshot pictures taken from the movie
Plot outline (background story)
Posts on dead-donkey rating the movie as good or bad
Persons involved (actors, producer, director)
Something else ... I will post it below. free polls


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The content of this website was created for, but may be published freely with reference.
Submitted reviews are owned by the original author who should be contacted for permission on reproduction or publication. All referenced movies, games, and literature are property of their respective owners.
All ed2k links submitted are unfiltered, unmoderated, and unedited, and are provided as-is from hashlinks found freely on the edonkey2000 network and exist regardless of this site.
Their validity, legality and content is subject to the end users usage. Any harm encounted through such use is the responsability of the user.

This site's code was written by Spud The Destroyer for 2005+