A dark tale based on the true story of Aileen Wuornos, one of America's first female serial killers. Wuornos had a difficult and cruel childhood plagued by abuse and drug use in Michigan. She became a prostitute by the age of thirteen, the same year she became pregnant. She eventually moved to Florida where she began earning a living as a highway prostitute--servicing the desires of semi-truck drivers. The tale focuses on the nine month period between 1989 and 1990, during which Wuornos had a lesbian relationship with a woman named Selby. And during that very same time, she also began murdering any of her clientele who attempted to rape her. This turned the tables on a rather common phenomena of female highway prostitutes being the victims of serial killers--instead Wuornos, herself, carried out the deeds of a cold-blooded killer.
Charlize Theron....Aileen
Christina Ricci....Selby
Bruce Dern....Thomas
Lee Tergesen....Vincent Corey
Annie Corley....Donna
Pruitt Taylor Vince....Gene/Stuttering "John"
Marco St. John....Evan/Undercover "John"
Marc Macaulay....Will/Daddy "John"
A drama, come horror movie about real life serial killer Aileen Wuornos. A style of film that certainly isn't everyone's cup of tea, and not without its flaws. It has been criticised as long and boring, and is very much a drama rather than a horror film of any description. That said, Charlize Theron acting is brilliant.
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